Life Academy Fundraisers and Social Events
Life Academy is dedicated to keeping tuition costs low and also constantly improving our facilities so our students have cutting edge educational opportunities and facilities. We organize and participate in various fundraisers and events for the families and students at Life Academy.
Life Academy is a not for profit school.

Office Depot Rewards
Shopping at Office Depot/Office Max provides give back rewards to Life Academy!
Tell them your purchase counts toward Life Academy and the school will get credits!

American Furniture Warehouse Fundraiser
We've joined up with American Furniture Warehouse (AFW) for year-round fundraising. Anytime you make a purchase at AFW, mention this is for Life Academy School. The school will get a portion of your sales.
Share this with your friends and family. We thank you so much for all your continued support of Life Academy.

Spring Formal
Life Academy hosts a Spring Formal for the high school students.
Students are encouraged to bring a date for the evening.
For more information, please contact the school.
Life Academy is a not for profit 501(c)3 organization. Any donations made to the school are tax deductible.